Sandlot Baseball Logs – 10.2024
Due to a lengthy delay, these write ups are a little on the light side.
October did bring the Drag three games though.
Below are a few words + pics.
10.5.24 – Austin Red Onions vs. Austin Drag – Govalle – 7pm
Instagram post about the game.

The Drag bats were alive and kicking all game long. Katy, Tyler, Braden, and others had multi-hit games. The defense was, for the most part, pretty darn clean. Hyndshaw went the distance on the mound.
The Red Onions brought energy and good spirit to the ballpark.
Looking forward to next season.

Perhaps a not-so-quick aside.
As we all know, sandlot is incredibly inclusive (from World Series winners to folks that are brand new to the game). The Drag collectively has a wide breadth of experience and we’re all still working on our fundamentals and such, so – these types of links recently floated around the group chat.
There’s a chance that other folks brand new to baseball may benefit.
I’m no good at putting on a Coachy McCoachFace, but these fellas aren’t so bad.
If you don’t speak Canadian, here’s another video.
In short, throw like Mo…

…not like Curtis.

Of course, every good turn deserves another.
So, for every link shared, there must be another.
10.11.24 – San Francisco Pelicans vs. Austin Drag – Govalle – 7pm
Instagram post about the game.

These birds flew all the way in from the Bay Area for the weekend and they definitely got in a ton of baseball across Central Texas. Unfortunately, not enough on this particular evening though (more on that later).
The game was tight; very close the entire way through. Sharp defense and challenging pitching made runs difficult to come by for both squads.
Considering these Pelicans don’t usually use modern-day sporting goods while playing baseball, this game had an additional wrinkle. They normally adhere to 1861 rules, so playing with gloves and bats manufactured by Wilson, Rawlings, and Louisville Slugger and the like is a bit unusual for them.
I’m sure someone out there who doesn’t insist on shooting 35mm photography when plenty of technological advances in photography have been made may ask, “Why would anyone choose to do that?” But I get keeping things nineteenth century.
Anyhow, Luke Woody came through with a huge knock.
Steven Carrizales grinded though inning after inning on the hill.
Only trouble is, as we closed in towards 10pm, The Man in Blue (TMiB), got a little tired and ended things a bit on the awkward side.
With the Drag up by two, one out and a runner on second (no runner on first, no force in play) for the Pels in the top of the 9th (Drag = home team), a Pelican sent a sharply-hit ball to third that Justin LaPrairie (3B) speared. The runner on second aggressively broke for third, LaPrairie waved his glove at the runner, it didn’t seem like a tag was applied, but LaPrairie was able to fire to first for the sure out.
Claiming that the runner went outside the basepath, TMiB decided it was a game-ending doubleplay.
There was a brief conversation between the teams and the ump. The ump was determined to be done for the night as he made his way off the field.
At this point, we were just about seven minutes from the lights turning off, and the game just ended on a flat, downer note. For all levels (and most occupations), there are some folks not interested staying on the job any longer than they have to.

Older sandlot photos (album link here).
10.27.24 – Austin Drag vs. Meat City Smoke – The Wishing Well (Lockhart, Texas) – 11am
Instagram post about the game.

This game was… rough on us.
Baseball is better than not baseball, but we donked this one.
We donked all day.
The Smoke played a significantly better game than us.
That acknowledged, we were collectively fighting demons of our own making.
Like a child, I stupidly left home without my cleats.
Two Dragsters arrived straight from a Galveston wedding that took place the night before.
On this particular Sunday morning, many players on both sides were gracelessly wearing our weekends.
Throw in the fact that, though this season hasn’t included any rainouts, this drought is murdering our baseball fields.
Enough complaining. We got to play baseball.
For that, we are thankful. But, daggum, this was a tough one for the Dragsters.
On a positive note – Mel made an incredible catch in right to kill a rally. Katy continued crushing the ball. Lockhart BBQ is still delicious. And a martini bar just happened to host their grand opening on this lovely evening.

Final score —
Drag = got smoked.
Smoke = smokin’ meats, smokin’ base paths, smokin’ Dragsters.

Here are some recent odds and ends sandlot pics.

Older sandlot photos (album link here).