Rick’s Canteen – Episode 9


Show notes:
The jazz hour had plenty of Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong.
The 9pm-9:20pm soul block hit pretty well. The soul bled into the next 20-min block that ended with some hard-hitting funk. The final 20 mins of the program was a bit of a strange collection of soundtrack + score numbers that have been on my mind.

A recording of the broadcast is available for you here–

Provided your device’s media player treats you better than WordPress’s above player, Rick’s Canteen google folder has been updated (this is always the first thing to be updated).

The Spotify playlist is below.

As always, the short, repeated instrumentals are used as the DJ “bed” music (the background music that plays while the DJ chats about… whatever).

This Friday (8.2.24), I’ll be filling in for the talented DJ Rob Gordon Wainwright of Friday night’s 7pm-9pm Study Hall program. I was given strict instructions (jokes) to play straight soul.
I’ve got double duty at KLKT this week and I’m excited to go 120 straight minutes of classic soul.
Tune in live on KLKT.org or catch it here a day or two later.

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